Friday, October 27, 2017

Field Trip to Linder Farms

We had a great time at Linder Farms on Monday!  Students were able to go on a hay ride through the pumpkin patches.  They saw a large variety of different sizes and types of pumpkins.  They spent time in the petting zoo, petting and feeding animals that welcomed the attention.  They successfully made it through the football shaped corn maze correctly.  They also got to pick out their very own pumpkin to take home. 

After lunch, they played in a large box of corn.  Many Second Graders took some of that corn home in their shoes and pockets.  They also climbed a hay stack and slid down a bumpy black pipe.  There were humongous tractor tires set in the ground to explore and a hay maze.  They had so much fun that a few fell asleep on the bus on the way home. 

It was a great way to celebrate fall! 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Marble Party #3

Last Friday, students were sad the field trip got cancelled, but by the end of the day they were celebrating their 3rd marble party!

This time they voted for a picnic during lunch.  On Tuesday, the 24th, we will all eat our lunch outside and then I will hang out with them for part of their recess.

The students wanted me to extend the invitation to you, the parents, to join them for their picnic lunch.  If you would like to stop by, we will begin getting our lunches at 12:38 and should be outside by about 12:45.

The field trip was a hit today.  I will send pictures when I have a chance.  Students had fun and were excellent.  I hope they told you all about it.

Look for information about our Book Celebration day that will happen next Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Field Trip News

This Friday, October 20th is the field trip to Linder Farms.  Expect an email from me if I haven't received a permission slip for you child yet. 

Students will get to do many fall activities at the farm.  They will go on a hayride, choose a pumpkin to take home, visit a hay maze, adventure through a corn maze, visit a petting zoo and participate in group activities.

This is a real farm.  Students should wear shoes they can walk through dirt or mud in.  They should wear long pants to protect their legs from tall grasses and thorny vines.  Because the pumpkin stems can be prickly, gloves are also a good idea.  The weather will be a bit colder so students should come prepared with warm coats. 

Don't forget to bring a sack lunch on Friday.  We will leave the school at 10:00 at arrive back at the school at 2:20.

I'm looking forward to an exciting day.

I've included the notes regarding the field trip which detail the schedule, expectations and what to wear.

Information on what to expect:

Information on what to wear: