Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Week of 12/17

Friday, December 21st:

Two showings of How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  
 9:00 am and 10:00 am - we will begin on time

Christmas Party:
11:00 - 12:25 Snacks and Games

Students will also be watching the cartoon, How the Grinch Stole Christmas on Friday.

Since the students are Whos, they may dress in pajamas and they are encouraged to have unique hair-  the Whos often had pony tails on top of their heads or they had messy hair.  They may also wear Santa hats or other holiday hats.

Thank you for all the props for our show.  The students are being very creative with them.

As a reminder, there is no homework or spelling this week.  We will start fresh in January.  Students should continue reading over break because it is good for them.  If they want extra math practice they have access to Xtra Math and IXL.  It IS break so I also expect them to rest and have fun.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Week of 12/10

This will be the last week of homework this year (until 2019).  Next week will be our last spelling test until next year.  This is a good time to make sure your second grader has all homework turned in for this quarter.

Math Test:
We had an extremely hectic Thursday last week.  On top of the hectic-ness, I gave the students the wrong math test and their scores were very poor.  Because of this, you will not be seeing a math test come home from last week.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas:
We will be performing How the Grinch Stole Christmas Reader's Theater with a bit of acting thrown in on December 21st at 9:00 am and 10:00 am in our classroom.  We would love for you to come and see what we have been working on.  Please come a few minutes early so you can check into the office.  We will begin each performance on time.

Students have created a list of props they would like to use in the performance.  If you are able to donate any of these, we would appreciate it.  We are looking for things you have lying around.  I don't need you to buy anything or spend a lot of time making something.  I know you are very busy and we can create simple props if needed.

plastic cup
Santa hats (for the student who brings it)
cloth bag or sack
empty gifts
stuffed dog
red thread
cans of food

Christmas Celebration:
On Friday, December 21st we will we will play some fun holiday games from 11:00 until 12:20.  If students want to bring snacks to share during that time, they may.  We do have lunch at 12:30.

Math Study Guide - test on 12/13

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Week of 12/3

I have quite a few announcements for you this week.

Christmas Around the World
In addition to everything else we are learning, we are learning how people in other countries celebrate Christmas.  So far we have learned about Poland and we made Polish Ornament Chains.  We learned about Germany yesterday and all the Christmas traditions we got from them including the Christmas tree.  Our room is decorated with art from these different areas.

Book Orders:
I will be sending in the book order at the end of this week.  The books will arrive before Christmas break.  If you want to order books secretly for Christmas, let me know and I can let you know when they arrive.

Lost and Found:
We donate our lost and found at the end of each week.  If a child's name is on it, it is returned to them.  I encourage you to help your child put their name on their things.

Warm Weather Clothing Drive:
Vision Charter is partnering with Boise Rescue Mission this holiday season to collect warm socks, gloves or mittens, and warm hats for children and teens of all ages.  These items need to be new; used items will not be able to be accepted.  You may drop off any of these items in the collection barrel in the main entrance.

Progress Reports:
Progress reports for 2nd quarter on available on parent portal.  If you are unable to log into parent portal, please email Mrs. Brown: or call her at 208-455-9220.

Dec. 7 - No School
Dec. 10 - Family Skate Night at the Nampa Roller Drome from 6:00-8:00.

Spelling List 12 - Test on 12/11

Math Study Guide - Week 12

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week of 11/12

This is our last week before Thanksgiving Break. 

Students are still getting homework and spelling lists.  Homework will be due on November 26th.  The spelling test will be on November 27th.

Students earned another marble party.  They voted on an art party.  On Friday we will do all our learning with art projects.  Students will also be creating a Thanksgiving decoration.

We have been learning about different shapes, the definitions and parts of them.  We have also been learning other strategies to add and subtract 2-digit numbers.  We have been learning about traditions and cultures. The students have done a great job sharing about their own traditions and ancestors.  This week we are also learning about veterans and how we can honor them.

I've attached an image of some art students did last week demonstrating the different shapes they have learned about.  I've also included the spelling list and the math study guide for Thursday.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Week of 11/5

I enjoyed getting to visit with so many of you last Friday.  It is a joy to teach your child.

These past few weeks we have been learning about the diversity of life.  We've learned how scientists categorize animals  into mammals, birds, reptiles and invertebrates.  We've learned how a scientist might study different types of frogs by the sounds they make.  This past week we learned about some different birds, what they eat and how they eat and students used their engineering skills to build prototypes of bird feeders.  

Yesterday, students presented their feeders and decided what type of materials they should use if they were to build a feeder that would withstand the wind and rain. I hope they have been telling you all about it.

Here are this week's spelling words and math study guide.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Week of 10/29

Book Celebration
Tomorrow, October 31st, we are having our Robin Hood book celebration.  Students may dress up as a character from the story.  They may wear their costume all day.  Modesty dress code rules apply, face masks are not allowed.  Students may not bring toy weapons of any kind.

We will be watching the cartoon of Robin hood at about 11:00.  From 1:45-2:50 we will ave our Robin Hood activities.  If you would like to join us, that is the best time to come.  I have heard from two parents that they would like to bring snacks for our activity time.

Friday, November 2nd is conferences.  I am looking forward to meeting with all of you.  I haven't hear from 5 of you.  I sent home a note yesterday.  I would appreciate it if you would return the note or fill out the form on the link attached below.  I have sent confirmation emails to everyone I have heard from.

Before you attend conferences, make sure you have had an opportunity to see your child's grades.  If you don't know how to get on to Parent Portal, please email Mrs. Brown and she will be happy to help you,

I've attached this week's spelling and math.

Spelling List 8 - Test on 11/6

Math Study Guide - Week 8

Conference Schedule Form

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Week of 10/22

Welcome back!  I hope you enjoyed fall break.

Wednesday is the end of the first quarter.  Conferences will be on November 2nd.  I will be sending more information about the conference schedule at the end of this week.

Career Week
This week is career week.  Students may dress up for their favorite career on Friday, October 26th.  There will be prizes for the classes who have the most participants.  We also have a guest speaker, a retired police officer, visiting us on Friday.

Book Celebration
This year's book celebration will be on Robin Hood.  Students may dress up as their favorite Robin Hood character on Wednesday, October 31st.  They may wear their costume all day.  Modesty dress code rules apply, face masks and face paint are not allowed.  Students may not bring toy weapons of any kind.

We will be doing some activities and watching the cartoon version of Robin Hood.  If you do not want your child to see the movie, please let me know.  If you are interested in participating in our book celebration, or bringing treats let me know and we can organize everything so we don't end up with 100 napkins.

Harvest Festival at The Farmstead
Vision is having a Harvest Festival at the Farmstead in Meridian on Monday, October 29th from 6:30-8:30.  They are offering discounted tickets of $6/person for anyone who mentions Vision Charter School at the ticket office.  The Farmstead will give $1 to Vision for each ticket sold.  There will be a raffle and silent action plus the Kiss the Pig Contest.  This evening is in lieu of doing a carnival in the spring time so please come out and enjoy this evening with us!

Kiss the Pig Contest
Who would you like to see kiss a pig, Mrs. OldenKamp or Mr. Casey Boothby?  At the Harvest Festival at the Farmstead on October 29th, one of these lucky individuals will be doing just that!  Students may decide by voting.  Students can cast their "vote" by bringing their coins or dollars in support of who should kiss the pig to the school office or to Farmstead from 6:30-7:30 pm.  The person with the most money (votes) will pucker up and plant a big kiss on a pig at 7:30pm at the Farmstead!  There will also be a few raffle items available.  Raffle tickets are $1 each!

I've attached the spelling words for next week and the math study guide.

Spelling list 7 - test on 10/30

Math Study Guide - Week 7

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Week of 10/8

Field Trip
The field trip is on Friday.  We will board the buses at 10:10 and will arrive at Linder Farms around 10:40.  If you are chaperoning you may follow the buses or meet us there.  Please read the information about what to wear and what not to wear since we will be outside on a farm.

Special Field Trip Request
If you are planning to chaperone and are able to drive a truck so we can bring our pumpkins back to school in the back of your truck and the students don't have to hold them on the buses.  Please email me if you are willing to transport our pumpkins.

Fall Break
Next week is Fall break.  Homework went home regularly this week.  It will all be due when we return.  I don't expect students to work through fall break.  If they maintain their normal homework schedule, but skip a week, they still get a nice break.

A Request from the Office:

Collecting Items for Raffle and Silent Auction:
If you have any items that you are able to donate to the school for us to use to raffle off or have as part of our silent auction during the Harvest Festival at the Farmstead on October 29, 2018, please email  We are not able to accept baked goods.  This year the Harvest Festival is in lieu of the spring carnival and we appreciate your support and generous donations.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Week of 10/1

Papers, papers, papers

I know students bring home many papers.  Any paper that is clearly marked with a grade by me was an assignment or assessment that I entered into the grade book.  Before I give students grades on new skills we spend a lot of time practicing; therefore, they will bring many of those practice activities home.  In class, they use white boards, paper and the computer to practice all the skills they are learning.

If a practice paper comes home incomplete, you can ask students why it isn't finished and take the opportunity to make sure they understand the skill.

Dates to remember:
October 12th: picture retakes
October 12th: Field trip to Linder Farms

October 15-19: Fall break

October 31: School wide book celebration of Robin Hood

Homework update:
Next week the reading logs and fluency will come home on Tuesday instead of Monday.  Homework will be due the week after fall break.

Don't forget to return the field trip permission forms.  If I don't have your form by the end of the week, I'll send you a reminder email in case you forgot.

Spelling List 5 - test on 10/9

Math Study guide - test on 10/4

Linder Farms Field Trip Permission Slip

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Week of 9/24

Last week I sent home a note about our field trip on October 12th to Linder Farms.  I've already gotten many permission slips and money sent in for it.  I have attached the note to the bottom of this post in case you didn't see it come home.

You will also find next week's spelling list and math study guide attached.  Students are struggling with time and money so any opportunities to practice those things at home will help.

This week 24 out of 28 students returned their homework!  That is a record.  We are shooting for 100% next week.

Today, students celebrated their second marble party.  They enjoyed wearing their pajamas and getting to snuggle up with something soft.

Next week is homecoming week so the whole school can dress up throughout the week.  Please, no masks, no face paint, and no toy weapons of any kind.  Modesty dress code guidelines are to be followed for dress-up days.

Here are the themes for each day:
Monday, 10/1 - Back in the Day
Tuesday, 10/2 - Opposite Day
Wednesday, 10/3 - Movie Character Day
Thursday, 10/4 - Superhero Day
Friday, 10/5 - School Color Day

Spelling List 4 - Test on 10/2

Math Study Guide 4 - Test on 9/27

Linder Farms Permission Slip

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Week of 9/17

Students aren't quite used to the cold read routine on Mondays yet and it took a bit longer than expected to get through everyone.  About 5 students did not get their fluency homework on Monday, but it will come home today.  Please look for it.

Last week students did their second writing assignment.  They wrote about the positive points of second grade to go along with a cactus art piece they made.

They also built a model of a living thing and came up with a definition to describe what makes living things.

Mark your calendars for our field trip.  It will be on Friday, October 12th.  I will send more information when the time gets closer.

Below is the math study guide and this week's spelling list.

Math Study Guide - week 3

Spelling List - Week 3

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Week of 9/10

This group of second graders is amazing!

They celebrated their first marble party on Friday.  It only took them 11 days to earn all the marbles.  They have already started working on their next party.

Picture Day
Don't forget, picture day is Friday, September 14th.

Right now students are practicing manipulating numbers and reviewing facts.  Students who have these skills mastered get to try more challenging skills.  We are also adding coins.  It is important for students to know the values of coins and to know which are which.

As students practice their words, it is a good idea to think of other words that rhyme with the spelling words.  In this way, learning to spell fine can help students spell mine, pine, and line.   We practiced finding some of these words yesterday.

Students have taken the IRI.  I will be spending time helping students increase their skills and become excellent readers. It is very important that they continue to read at home.

Don't forget the reading logs are due each Monday.  This Monday, I sent home the first fluency passage.  The directions are in a sheet protector in your child's home folder.  Remember that the 5 minutes spent on fluency can count towards their 20 minutes.

Students are working on writing at least two complete sentences with correct punctuation.  A few students have already mastered this and I have given them their own goal.

Students are learning that scientists ask questions and make observations about what they want to learn more about.  We will continue practicing these skills be studying the diversity of life this month.

Spelling List - test on 9/18

Math Study Guide - test on 9/13

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Week of 9/4 - Homework

This week students will begin getting some of their homework.  I will try to ease you into it so you can make a plan.
Each week a new spelling list will come home on Tuesday.  The test for that list will always be the following Tuesday.  This week I am sending home the first list that will be graded.

Reading Log
Each Monday I will send home a reading log (this week I will send it on Tuesday since there was no school on Monday).  The reading log is due back to school the following Monday.  The expectation is that your second grader will read 100 minutes each week.  You may divide those minutes whichever way is easiest.

A couple of tips:
1.  If it is difficult to find time for your child to read, think about using time you are in the car.  You can listen while you drive.  They can read while you prepare meals.  Reading a little before going to bed is always a great idea.

2.  This is your second graders homework, not yours.  Give them the responsibility of filling out the paper.  Put it in a place where they can keep track of their own reading.  Check it over Sunday night, sign it and it will be ready to bring to school on Monday.

Beginning on September 10th, I will also be sending home a fluency page for students to practice.  It will also come home on Monday and be due the following Monday.  I will send an example and instructions for the fluency page.  The ultimate goal of practicing fluency is to read the way we talk.  Students should have good pacing, inflection in their voice, and read accurately.
Each Thursday students will take a math skills test and a fact test.  On Tuesdays I will send home a study guide that we have practiced in class so you can help your second grader study for Thursday.

To summarize
~Students will receive fluency and reading homework on Mondays.  These assignments are due the following Monday.

~Students will receive spelling lists and math study guides on Tuesdays.  The math test is on Thursday and the spelling test is on Tuesday.

Therefore, you should expect homework to come home every Monday and Tuesday.

I have attached the spelling list and math study guide below.

Spelling List #1 - Test on 9/11

Week 1 Math Study Guide

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

1st Week Update

We had a wonderful first week of school!

Students learned about procedures and expectations.  Most students completed their first myon assignment.  They completed a writing assignment and made a paper person.  They learned how to get onto IXL and practiced determining whether a number was odd or even.  Most students already have the odd and even mastered.  This would be a good skill to practice at home this week when you encounter numbers.  Ask your second grader if the number is odd or even.  We learned a fun chant to help us remember the even numbers and we talked about how even numbers have partners, but odd numbers don't.

We also had our first science lesson.  Students learned about the many verbs scientists do.  They also learned they already do the things scientists do: learn, study, observe, solve, travel, work together, create and invent.  They learned they are going to be scientists all year long.

On Tuesday this week I will send home our first spelling list.  The spelling test will be on September 4th.  This is a practice spelling list and test so you and the students know what to expect for the coming year.  In addition to the spelling words, students need to be able to identify phonograms. I've attached a link to the phonogram slides and a link to the spelling list so you can begin practicing at home.  

I am excited for this year.  It is going to be a great adventure!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Welcome Back to 2018-2019 School Year

I'm excited for a new school year to begin!

I hope you have all enjoyed your summer and are ready to get back into the school routine.  I enjoyed meeting many of you during Meet the Teacher Night last Friday.

This week we will spend a lot of time learning about procedures, rules and expectations.  Students will have an opportunity to show me what they know so I can better help them grow from where they are rather than starting everyone in the same place.

Behavior in the Classroom
Students have an opportunity to earn classroom money to spend on special privileges throughout the year.  Every day students begin on "On Task." If they remain on task throughout the day, they will earn $1 in classroom money.  If students become an example for their peers, they can move up to "Role Model" and earn $2.

If a students make a poor choice, I will give them a warning and they will need to pause and think about the choices they are making.  If they remain there for the day, they will owe me $1.  If they make another bad choice, they will need to refocus and I will be sending a note home for you to sign.  If they remain there for the day, they will owe me $5 in addition to a consequence.  The consequence will continue until the note is returned.

As you can see, students get one warning, then a consequence.  If students are disrupting the class, they are taking away a learning opportunity from the rest of the class.  Stealing this learning opportunity or taking time away from the class is detrimental to our goals so students will have a consequence if they can't redirect themselves.

In addition to individual rewards, the class gets marbles when everyone is on task.  When they have all the marbles, they get a marble party.

The class is also divided into teams.  The team with the most points at the end of the week gets to eat lunch in the classroom with me.

Students will be learning about this on the first day.  Don't forget to ask them to tell you about it.

I've attached the Welcome Letter I handed out on Friday in case you have lost it or would like a digital copy.

Mrs. George

Welcome Letter

Friday, February 23, 2018


Early in January we watched a time lapse bubble as it was freezing.

Naturally, they had many questions so we decided it would be a good idea to do our own investigation.  Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate.  In order to investigate we needed freezing temperatures.  On Tuesday, February 13th, the weather cooperated, we had 30 degrees to help us investigate.

The students  blew bubbles, caught them and observed them.  Some of them saw the texture change.  Some students waited long enough until the bubble froze and when they tapped it, it held it's form.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Marble Party

The students earned another marble party!

They voted to have another electronic party. We will have the party after lunch on Friday, February 23rd.  Students are welcome to bring electronic devices from home to use during that time.  They are responsible for them and will be able to choose school appropriate activities.  Students have access to chrome books in the classroom, they can use that for their electronic device also.  They may also bring games from home that they would like to play.

I look forward to celebrating how amazing the students are on Friday.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Football Helmets

After the Superbowl, the students learned about why football players need helmets while most other sports do not.  They wrote an evidence statement explaining why they needed helmets.  Most students wrote about how football players tackle each other and when they are hit their heads can be shaken in their helmets or rattled when they hit the ground.  This shaking can cause concussions.  Concussions can lead to memory loss and the inability of the brain to work properly for a short period of time and sometimes the damage can last longer.

Students also created football players to go with their evidence statement.

In addition, a couple of Environmental Studies students from the high school are currently working on a project to determine if using horse hoof material would make a better helmet that could eliminate or dramatically reduce concussions.  The students loved hearing about their project and how they have had some problems in creating their helmet, but found solutions to their problems.

The high school students sharing their project with inquisitive 2nd graders.

These are the students explanations of why football players need helmets with their football players.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Yesterday we had the opportunity to learn from Beth from the Boise Art Museum.  She came to our classroom and taught the students about Mexican and African masks.  After the presentation, they got to create their own mask.  Hopefully the masks made it home yesterday so you could see them.  They did a great job!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Week of 1/29/18

Dear parents,

It was wonderful to check in with some of you last week during conferences.  Thank you for being so supportive of your child.  This week we are discussing properties of matter.  We also learned about a Blood moon that is caused by a lunar eclipse.  

Tomorrow morning at approximately 5:50 am you can see a rare phenomenon in the sky.  The last time this phenomenon took place was 35 years ago.  There will be a Super Blue Blood moon.  A Super moon is when the moon is a bit closer in its orbit than at other times.  A Blue moon is when we have two full moons in one month.  A Blood moon happens during a lunar eclipse when the light from the sun that normally reaches the moon is completely blocked by the Earth, the moon will be in the Earth's shadow.  

This will be an exciting thing to see if you can manage to get up that early and if the sky is clear.  We learned about the lunar eclipse today and the students are excited about it.

​In math we are working on a number of thing: measurement, place value, time, money, adding and subtracting are at the forefront.  Students can always get extra practice on their IXL account at home.  Ten extra minutes once in a while can help.

Students are becoming better writers and are learning how to write complete sentences in a paragraph.  By the end of the year, second graders should be able to write 2 paragraphs.  

I've attached the math practice and the spelling words for this week.  The spelling list that came home has the wrong date on it.  The test will be on the 6th, not the 16th.

Some of you are already thinking about Valentine's Day.  On the 14th, I will give students time to exchange Valentines if they would like.  Students do not have to bring Valentines.  If they choose to bring them, they need to bring one for each of their classmates.  I've attached a list of students' names.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Week of 1/16/18

Dear Parents,

Attached is the copy of next week's spelling list.  We will have our math test on Thursday.  I sent home a copy of the practice paper last week.  Students will be bringing a hard copy home today that they completed in class.  

Last week we observed how a bubble reacts in freezing temperatures.  The students had a number of questions about what they saw that they would like to investigate.  If it gets cold again, we will take bubbles outside and make our own observations.  Students are welcome to bring bubbles to school if the temperature will be below freezing around 9:00 am.  They may also leave them here and I will store them as we wait for colder temperatures.

Second quarter report cards are coming home today.  

Friday the 26th is parent teacher conferences from 8-3:30.  Please send me an email or give me a call if you would like to schedule a time to discuss your child's progress.

I look forward to an amazing week.

Mrs. George

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Marble Party for the New Year

On the last day of school in December, students earned another marble party.  They voted for electronics party again.

We will have the party after lunch on Friday, January 12th.  Students are welcome to bring electronic devices from home to use during that time.  They are responsible for them and will be able to choose school appropriate activities.  Students have access to chrome books in the classroom, they can use that for their electronic device also.  They may also bring games from home that they would like to play.

This has been a wonderful week so far!  Students are doing a great job getting back into the swing of things.  They completed two MAP tests and had a great attitude about it and were respectful of their classmates.  I am so proud of them!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Welcome to 2018

It was fun to come back to school today.  We got right back to work and and are now daily doing whatever we can to be prepared for 3rd grade.  I know it sounds odd, but these kiddos are now closer to 3rd than 1st. 

This week we are doing some mid year testing.  Today students took the Star Test.  Throughout this week they will take MAP tests which are tests that Measure Academic Progress.  The goal of these tests is to get a picture of where your child is at this point in the year and give us a starting point to create some growth goals. 

This is the first time they have taken these tests.  They will see them repeatedly throughout their school career.  I will walk them through it and encourage them to do their best.  There is nothing to stress or study for, I just want to see where they are right now.

Because of this testing, our spelling test and math test will take place next week.  We will have our spelling and comprehension test next Tuesday, the 16th and we will have our math test next Thursday, the 18th. 

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and had some wonderful time with family.