Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week of 11/12

This is our last week before Thanksgiving Break. 

Students are still getting homework and spelling lists.  Homework will be due on November 26th.  The spelling test will be on November 27th.

Students earned another marble party.  They voted on an art party.  On Friday we will do all our learning with art projects.  Students will also be creating a Thanksgiving decoration.

We have been learning about different shapes, the definitions and parts of them.  We have also been learning other strategies to add and subtract 2-digit numbers.  We have been learning about traditions and cultures. The students have done a great job sharing about their own traditions and ancestors.  This week we are also learning about veterans and how we can honor them.

I've attached an image of some art students did last week demonstrating the different shapes they have learned about.  I've also included the spelling list and the math study guide for Thursday.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Week of 11/5

I enjoyed getting to visit with so many of you last Friday.  It is a joy to teach your child.

These past few weeks we have been learning about the diversity of life.  We've learned how scientists categorize animals  into mammals, birds, reptiles and invertebrates.  We've learned how a scientist might study different types of frogs by the sounds they make.  This past week we learned about some different birds, what they eat and how they eat and students used their engineering skills to build prototypes of bird feeders.  

Yesterday, students presented their feeders and decided what type of materials they should use if they were to build a feeder that would withstand the wind and rain. I hope they have been telling you all about it.

Here are this week's spelling words and math study guide.