Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Week of 9/23


Reading and Writing
These past couple of weeks we have been learning about tall tales and fairy tales.  This week we are writing our own fairy tale.  Students have to include a setting, characters, a problem and solution in addition to royalty, magic and a happy ending. 

Today, they drew a picture of their setting.  Tomorrow they will write about it.

We are also learning about the diversity of life.  Students have been trying to figure out how to know if something is alive.  They are learning how scientists categorize different living things.

I am starting to create learning groups.  Learning groups are based primarily on the topics students need to learn and the amount of time a student needs to learn something.  Some students need more time than others.  I don't want to rush anyone through a concept and I don't want to hold anyone back who already understands.  Students are learning to work independently when it is time for me to work with a different group.  I am pleased with how responsible they are.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Week of 9/16

Yesterday, the first reading practice homework went home.  It should have been stapled to the reading log.  It is due on Monday along with the reading log.  The practice homework will periodically look different.  Sometimes it will be a fluency practice (practice reading like we talk), sometimes it will be reading and comprehension and sometimes it will be both. Almost every second grader turned in their homework the first week.  Great job!

Each Thursday students have a math test on skills.  We practice the skills together and I send home the practice paper on Tuesday each week.  You and your second grader can go over the practice page and make sure he or she understands everything before the test on Thursday.  The first completed test came home yesterday.  Students graphed their scores and looked at why they missed and what they did so they don't make the same mistake next time.

Because everyone learns at different rates and it is very important to me that students learn spelling patterns and not simply memorize words for a test, students are often on different lists.  Because of this fact, I don't send lists home.  Right now I have 3 lists in the class.  The class is practicing spelling words that have the "a" phonogram.  This phonogram has 3 sounds, but is always spelled with an "a."  Some words you will find on their lists are: pass, carry, capture, walk, almost, lake and black.  Students are encouraged to find more words that fit into the spelling patterns.  By finding patterns and noticing rhyming words, students are more likely to remember how to spell these words for a test, and more importantly, spell them in their writing.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Marble Party

Students have been working really hard to earn their first marble party.  Today was an exceptionally good day and they got all their marbles! 

They voted to have a stuffed animal/blanket party.  That means on Friday, September 13, they may bring EITHER a stuffed animal or a blanket to school.  It needs to fit inside of their backpack. 

As long as it isn't a distraction, they get to keep that item with them throughout the school day.  We'll have a special time when they can cuddle up with it and their book.

We are working especially hard on being trustworthy and respectful. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


The first of this year's homework is coming home today.  It is a reading log.  Students are expected to read 100 minutes each week.  This can be divided up however you like throughout the week.  

I will send the reading logs home each Monday and they are due the following Monday.  Students get a homework grade for completing the homework each week.  

Next week I will be sending home a reading practice page in addition to the reading log.