Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Week of 4/23

I have a lot of news for you.  It seems surreal that there is less than 5 weeks left of school.  Many of these dates you should know from the school newsletter, but I will include them here also.

We are beginning a new unit in science covering plants.  It will go nicely with our field trip in May.

I try to align the reading homework with what we are learning in class so it is beneficial for students to complete their homework.

Music Concert
This Friday, April 26th is the 2nd and 3rd grade music concert at 10 am in the gym.

Field Trip
May 7 is the 2nd grade field trip to the Botanical Gardens and the Boise Zoo.  If you didn't receive a permission slip, let me know and I will send another one home.  We will leave the school for the Botanical Gardens at 8:30. 

Students will take their IRI test on May 8th.  This is a good day to make sure students have plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast so they can focus and do their best.

Science Night
May 16 at 5:30 students will display their hard work in the gym.  Each student is working on their project with their partner.  I saw some great information come to class yesterday.  Students did a great job on their investigations.

Field Day
The second graders will have their activities from 1:30 - 2:30 on May 22nd.

Awards Ceremony
May 23rd is the awards ceremony at 8:20 in the gym.  You will receive an email prior to that day if your child is receiving an award.

Last Day of School
May 24 is the last day of school.  School ends at 1:45.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Canyons in 2nd Grade

This week students investigated the question, "What makes a canyon?"

Students hypothesized that it could be earthquakes, asteroids, tornadoes, or erosion.

Here are some images from our investigation.  We created a hill out of some "land" and simulated rain pouring down on it to see the result.


Here is an example of  the final product after 4 rainstorms.

Students discovered that erosion wears away at the rock and sand and creates new land forms like canyons, cliffs and landslides.

Here is a video after the final rainstorm for all projects: